Dealers Resources

 Are you interested in selling our rug pads to your clients? We make it easy by helping you design a webpage on your site to sell directly to your customers.

  • Dealers get access to our Media page with access to photos, brochures and other information on the pads you want to carry.
  • We offer a 7-second unbranded video to add to your site
  • Convenient FAQ for many of the most common questions we hear from clients

Let us know how we can help you sell more rug pads to your customers! Call 800-275-0915, ext 409 for any questions.

Sales Aids

Our Sales Aids allow you to visually introduce your customer to the BEST RUG PADS AVAILABLE – YOURS!

  • Pet Urine and Moisture Barrier
  • Sustainability Statement
  • Life of the Rug Warranty

You can get the orders to INCREASE YOUR SALES NOW.

Demo Blanket

Demo Blanket – $25/each

  • Our new Demo Blanket allows you to carry samples around in your vehicle, put them on the floor for your customer to walk on, and more.
  • Five 12″X17″ samples of Eco Supreme, Eco Premium, Eco by Design, Eco Value, and Ever Grip.
  • A laminated card allows easy access to the benefits of each product.
  • All are attached together with a binder ring.
  • Simply order online for each of your trucks and your office.
Demo Cards – New Size Packages

Demo Cards – New Size Packages

  • Small and lightweight plastic cards. Can be handed to your customer at the door when you arrive or pre-mailed to customers who have appointments in the next few days. Introduces the need for rug pad before you arrive.
  • What an impact the real samples make! Your customer can see and feel the differences between the products.
  • Pricing: 25 cards for $50, 50 cards for $100, 75 cards for $150 and 100 cards for $200.
  • Eco Supreme, Eco Premium, and Eco by Design (pet urine barrier) pads are represented.
Call Center
If you have any rug pad questions, we are here to help!